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এটা হলো শিক্ষার সঙ্গে যুক্ত ওয়েবসাইট।এখানে বইয়ের কাজ,এক্সট্রা কোয়েশ্চন আনসার,গ্রামার ও কোয়েশ্চন ব্যাংকের উত্তর পাওয়া যাবে । এটা হলো শিক্ষার সঙ্গে যুক্ত ওয়েবসাইট।এখানে বইয়ের কাজ,এক্সট্রা কোয়েশ্চন আনসার,গ্রামার ও কোয়েশ্চন ব্যাংকের উত্তর পাওয়া যাবে । এটা হলো শিক্ষার সঙ্গে যুক্ত ওয়েবসাইট।এখানে বইয়ের কাজ,এক্সট্রা কোয়েশ্চন আনসার,গ্রামার ও কোয়েশ্চন ব্যাংকের উত্তর পাওয়া যাবে ।

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Essential Grammar Rules 2020

 Essential Grammar Rules

 1) A noun always takes a colon if it is to be defined or described.

Inc:-Thursday, the most spiritual day for all Sai Baba devotees.

Cor:- Thursday: The most spiritual day for all Sai Baba devotees.

2) The noun has to be in singular form if it is to be repeated after a preposition. The noun follows a singular verb.

Inc:-Kingdoms after Kingdoms were conquered by the mighty Alexander.

Cor:- Kingdom after Kingdom was conquered by the mighty Alexander.

 3) Nouns after one of should always be plural.

Inc:-One of my friend is working with the United Nations.

Cor:- One of my friends is working with the United Nations.

4) Cousin is never followed by brother or sister.

Inc:-I love my cousin brothers the same way I love my own brother.

Cor:- I love my cousins the same way I love my own brother.

 5) If a numeral adjective and a fraction of a noun are to be denoted, the noun is chiefly used with the numeral adjective.

Inc:-The food provided by the authority is inadequate as it is just two and a half chapati and some dal for a day.

Cor:- The food provided by the authority is inadequate as it is just two chapati and a half and some dal for a day.

 6) The initial letter of a proper noun (first, middle or surname) and adjectives made of proper nouns are always written with a capital letter.

Example: The most reliable friend of mine is Premananda Das who has always extended his selfless and timely help to me.

Inc:-Premananda Das is known as the emran hashmi of our class.

Cor:- Premananda Das is known as the Emran Hashmi of our class.

 7) Quotation marks are to be used around names of chapters, short stories and poems.

Example: Neel sir is highly adept in 'Permutation and Combination.' Inc:-Neel sir is highly adept in Permutation and Combination.

Cor:- The famous story 'Winking Woman' is written by Charan Singh.

 8) Proper nouns can be used as common nouns. Inc:-Abinash Jena is Tendulkar of our colony.

Cor:- Abinash Jena is the Tendulkar of our colony.

 9) A Collective Noun takes singular verb and singular pronoun if its collective sense is felt. Inc:-The board have taken their decision that Ishant Sharma should be dropped in the next match.

Cor:- The board has taken its decision that Ishant Sharma should be dropped in the next match.

 10) A Collective Noun takes a plural verb and a plural pronoun if it no more gives its collective identity or individual of the group is focused. Inc:-The panel was divided in its opinion in the mining scam.

Cor:- The panel were divided in their opinion in the mining scam.

11) Collective Nouns are always considered as neuter gender.

Inc:-A bevy of young girls hold a candle march for the unlucky brave heart Nirbhaya. She is determined to get Nirbhaya justice.

Cor:- A bevy of young girls hold a candle march for the unlucky brave heart Nirbhaya. It is determined to get Nirbhaya justice.

12) A Material Noun is viewed as a singular subject and has no plural form. Inc:-Irons are the most useful of all metals.

Cor:- Iron is the most useful of all metals.

13) A Material Noun never takes an article before it. Inc:-The iron is used in all types of constructions.

Cor:- Iron is used in all types of constructions.

14) An Abstract Noun is a singular subject and always takes a singular verb and a singular pronoun. Inc:-Angers and greeds are despicable elements in a person.

Cor:- Anger and greed are despicable elements in a person.

15) Babies, lower animals and insects are considered as neuter gender if they are spoken in general. Inc:-The baby cries when he is hungry.

Cor:- The baby cries when it is hungry.

16) All non living things take neuter gender.

Example: It is a book of just three hundred pages. Inc:-The doll is very dear to her. She takes her wherever she goes.

Cor:- The doll is very dear to her. She takes it wherever she goes.

17) If non living things are personified and denote masculine or feminine characteristics, they shed of their neuter gender and take masculine or feminine gender according to the context.

Inc:-Death has its unique way of meeting people.

Cor:- Death has its unique way of meeting people.

18) Some singular nouns appear plural as they end in's' and 'es'. So, care should be taken to use singular verb and singular pronoun for them.

Example: Arts, Billiards, Draughts, Ethics, Economics, Innings, Mathematics, Mechanics, Measles, Mumps, News, Physics, Politics, etc. Inc:-Ethics are to be inculcated and learnt for leading a virtuous life.

Cor:- Ethics is to be inculcated and learnt for leading a virtuous life.

19) some nouns have no plural form and are considered singular and hence take singular verb and singular pronoun.

Example: Advice, Bread, Business, Breakage, Crockery, Furniture, Information, Jewellry, Knowledge, Language, Luggage, Money, Mischief, Poetry, Postage, Scenery, Stationery, Wastage, etc. Inc:-Noor feared to keep her luggages in the cloak room.

Cor:- Noor feared to keep her luggage in the cloak room.

20) Some nouns have no singular form and are considered plural and hence take plural verb and plural pronoun.

Example: Jeans, breeches, drawers, trousers, scissors, tweezers, pliers, pincers, glasses, etc.

Inc:-Where have you kept my scissor? Find it fast.

Cor:- Where have you kept my scissors? Find those fast.

21) Some plural nouns appear singular. So, care should be taken not to pluralise them and to use plural verb and plural pronoun for them.

Inc:-The cattles of Kerela are stronger than that of Odisha.

Cor:- The cattle of Kerela are stronger than those of Odisha.

22) Nouns denoting units of counting are not pluralised if definite numeral adjectives precede them.

Example: Dozen, Hundred, Million, Pair, Score, Thousand, etc. Inc:-The M.L.A donated twenty pairs of shoes and fifty thousands rupees to the football team.

Cor:- The M.L.A donated twenty pair of shoes and fifty thousand rupees to the football team.

23) Nouns denoting units of counting can take plural form in the absence of a definite numeral adjective. Inc:-Hundred of people were stranded in the melee.

Cor:- Hundreds of people were stranded in the melee.

24) Some nouns can be used as singular noun as well as plural noun without changing their form.

Example: Agenda, Aircraft, Cod, Carp, Data, Deer, Fish, Pike, Swine, Team, Trout, Swine, Vermin, etc. Inc:-Hundred aircrafts were used in a performance on the eve of Independence Day.

Cor:- Hundred aircraft were used in a performance on the eve of Independence Day.

25) Apostrohe 's' is not added to nouns ending in hissing sounds to denote possessive case. Only an apostrophe is sufficient. Inc:-Rakesh's uncle is a gentleman.

Cor:- Rakesh' uncle is a gentleman.

26) Apostrophe's' is not added to plural nouns ending in's'. Inc:-The king of Mauritius's reception was hold at the Rashtrapati bhavan.

Cor:- The king of Mauritius' reception was hold at the Rashtrapati bhavan.

27) Personal possessive pronouns are formed without an apostrophe sign. Inc:-It was signed as 'your's Namrata'.

Cor:- It was signed as 'yours Namrata'.

28) Indefinite possessive pronouns are formed by adding apostrophe's'. Inc:-In a hostel one has to take care of ones self.

Cor:- In a hostel one has to take care of one's self.

29) A noun with several words takes possessive sign with its last word. Inc:-Manat is Shaharuk Khan's the actor's house.

Cor:- Manat is Shaharuk Khan the actor's house.

30) If two or more nouns are in apposition then only the last noun takes the possessive sign.

Inc:-It is sad to find that no one follows Gandhiji's, the father of the nation words.

Cor:- It is sad to find that no one follows Gandhiji, the father of the nation's words.

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