Collective Nouns
এই কাজটি পড়তে গেলে ডেস্কটপ mode এ পড়তে হবে
আবজর্না স্তুপ – A heap of rubbish.
বালির স্তুপ – A head of sand.
এক কাঁদি কলা –A stem of bananas.
এক গাদা বই - A pile of books.
এক জোড়া ষাঁড় – A yoke of oxen.
এক ঝাঁক চড়ুই পাখি – A host of sparrows.
এক ঝাঁক মাছ – A shoal of fish.
এক ঝাঁক মাছি বা মোমাছি – A swarm of flies or bees.
কুকুর, শুকরের ছানা – A litter of pigs or puppies
এক দল আরব – A tribe of Arabs.
এক দল কনস্টেবল – A posse of constable.
এক দল লোক – A throng of people.
এক পশলা বৃষ্টি – A shower of rain.
এক পাল ঘোড়া – A troop of horses.
গরুর পাল – A herd of kine
গাধার দল – A pack of Asses.
গায়কের দল – A band of musicians.
গিরিমালা – A chain of mountains.
ঘটনাবলী – A series of events.
চুলের গোছা – A tuft or lock of hair.
ছাগলের পাল – A herd of goats.
জাহাজের সারি – A fleet of ships.
চোরের দল – A gang of thieves.
দস্যুর দল – A gang of robbers.
ধ্বংস স্তুপ – A mass of heap of ruins.
নক্ষত্র পুঞ্জ – A cluster or group of stars.
নাবিক দল – The crew.
নেকড়ের দল – A pack of wolves.
পাখির ঝাঁক – A flock of birds, a flight of birds.
পিপীলিকার দল – A nest of ants.
পুষ্প গুচ্ছ – A bunch of flowers.
ফুলের তোড়া – A bouquet of flowers.
বানরের দল – A troop of monkeys.
মহিলাদের দল – A bevy of ladies or wives.
মুরগী, মেষ, হংসী, পাখীর দল – A flock of hens, sheep, geese or birds.
লাঠির বান্ডিল – A bundle of sticks.
শস্য, কাঠ বা অস্ত্রের গাদা – A stack of corn, wood, hay or weapons.
Common Group Names
Group Name “Herd”
Collective noun examples:
- A herd of antelope
- A herd of boar
- A herd of buffaloes
- A herd of caribou
- A herd of cattle
- A herd of chamois
- A herd of chinchillas
- A herd of cows
- A herd of cranes
- A herd of deer
- A herd of donkeys
- A herd of elephants
- A herd of elk
- A herd of fairies
- A herd of giraffes
- A herd of gnus
- A herd of goats
- A herd of horses
- A herd of llamas
- A herd of moose
- A herd of oxen
- A herd of pigs
- A herd of ponies
- A herd of sea horses
- A herd of seals
- A herd of swans
- A herd of swine
- A herd of walruses
- A herd of whales
- A herd of wolves
- A herd of wrens
- A herd of yaks
- A herd of zebras
Group Name “Pack”
Collective nouns list:
- A pack of bears (polar bears)
- A pack of coyotes
- A pack of dogs
- A pack of grouse
- A pack of gulls
- A pack of hounds
- A pack of mongooses
- A pack of mules
- A pack of rats
- A pack of sharks
- A pack of stoats
- A pack of weasels
- A pack of wolves
Group Name “Flock”
Collective nouns list:
- A flock of birds
- A flock of bustards
- A flock of camels
- A flock of chickens
- A flock of ducks
- A flock of geese
- A flock of goats
- A flock of parrots
- A flock of pigeons
- A flock of seagulls
- A flock of sheep
- A flock of swifts
- A flock of tourists
- A flock of turkeys
Group Name “Swarm”
Collective nouns list:
- A swarm of ants
- A swarm of bees
- A swarm of butterflies
- A swarm of eels
- A swarm of flies
- A swarm of gnats
- A swarm of insects
- A swarm of rats
Group Name “Shoal”
Collective noun examples:
- A shoal of bass
- A shoal of fish
- A shoal of herrings
- A shoal of pilchards
- A shoal of salmon
Group Name “Group”
Collective nouns list:
- A group of guinea pigs
- A group of islands
- A group of people
- A group of dancers
- A group of engineers
Group Name “Crowd”
Collective noun examples:
- A crowd of onlookers
- A crowd of people
Group Name “Gang”
Collective nouns list:
- A gang of hoodlums
- A gang of laborers
- A gang of slaves
- A gang of thieves
- A gang of criminals
- A gang of crooks
- A gang of hoodlums
- A gang of prisoners
Group Name “Mob”
Collective nouns list:
- A mob of emus
- A mob of kangaroos
- A mob of meerkats
- A mob of thieves
- A mob of sheep
- A mob of kangaroos
- A mob of rioters
Group Name “Staff”
Group names examples:
- A staff of employees
- A staff of servants
Group Name “Crew”
Group names examples:Ji
- A crew of sailors
Group Name “Choir”
Group names examples:
- A choir of angels
Group Name “Orchestra”
Group names examples:
- An orchestra of musicians
Group Name “Panel”
Group names examples:
- A panel of experts
Group Name “Board”
Group names examples:
- A board of directors
- A board of trustees
- A board of chess players
Group Name “Troupe”
Collective nouns list:
- A troupe of monkeys
- A troupe of shrimp
- A troupe of dancers
- A troupe of minstrels
- A troupe of performers
Group Name “Bunch”
Group names examples:
- A bunch of seals
- A bunch of pigeons
Group Name “Pile”
Group names examples:
- A pile of books
Group Name “Heap”
Group names examples:
- A heap of trash
Group Name “Set”
Group names examples:
- A set of bowls
- A set of utensils
Group Name “Stack”
Group names examples:
- A stack of books
Group Name “Series”
Group names examples:
- A series of events
- A series of photos
Group Name “Shower”
Group names examples:
- A shower of bastards
Group Name “Fall”
Group names examples:
- A fall of lambs
- A fall of woodcock
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